Hedgelaying Courses

Local Achievements: Bishopston Hedge laying Project

Climate and Community volunteers laid Bishopston recreation ground hedge between 2018 and 2023, each year we lay a section of hedge with volunteers and ran a structured 4 day course. We trained up one regular volunteer as an instructor. Midland hedge style was chosen as it is a boundary hedge with no ditch. We used many locally cut stakes and etherings (top weave) from old coppice hazel from Mansel Green. A semi natural regenerated woodland on the opposite side of the recreation ground. woodland. We now are looking for other sites to work locally.

Courses Locally

Climate and Community can teach a 4 day course if requested by an organiser, a minimum of 4 people are required. A location needs to be discussed. Each season the charity will consider running either a 4 day course or 1 day training days depending on demand. Our prime objective is to train those interested in volunteering with the charity and practising hedgelaying on public benefit sites in the local area. Please email the charity to find out more.

Healthy laid hedges provide a stock-proof fence, a significant windbreak which contributes to the welfare of stock and woodland corridor for birds, plants and small mammals.

The 4 day course will take you through the skills and knowledge to enable you to tackle laying a hedge.  No prior experience needed. The one day training day is a potted version of the 4 day course but requires much more practice and access to an experienced tutor to gain the knowledge and confidence to lay a hedge on your own in good order.

What you will learn on the course?
  • Basic principles of hedge-laying, its benefits to wildlife and stock proof features
  • Practice how to cut with a range of traditional axes and billhooks
  • How to successfully pleach and lay a hedge
  • Hedge staking and binding
  • Identify the main hedgerow trees and shrubs
Who will be teaching you?

Bob Smith is an experienced tutor in traditional rural skills including coppice management, hedgelaying, green woodworking and yurt making. Nick Bingham has trained with the charity and now teaches hedgelaying students primarily for charity volunteers.

Where will it take place

We are looking for more local hedges which can be laid by beginners, get in touch if you own a hedge or know of a hedge which we can get access to.

Outdoor clothing and foot wear recommended.

Cost: tbc

Email: climateandcommunity@btinternet.com

Phone Bob 07572500946 Jules 07964530436