
Growing Roots for Root Causes ..………..tree roots, herbaceous roots, shrub roots, vegetable roots, fungal roots, community roots, cultural roots…  For the root causes of climate change, over consumption, excessive fossil fuel use, inequality, selfish behaviour, disconnection from nature…..

Our Project Priorities


Portable Skills School for Nature

The aim of this project is to use our existing equipment to create a portable skills school which can be set up anywhere for however long it is needed. We have experience in rural skills training: hedgelaying, coppice and standard woodland management, coppice crafts, basket making and carbon negative horticulture. We also have the tools and equipment for teaching groups.

Young people with the relevant skills under their belt can create working examples of sustainable living and livelihoods as a direct demonstration of what can be done in the face of a changing climate to build an alternative economy.


Demonstrating Carbon Negative Food Growing and Coppice Management


The charity is setting up a demonstration food growing no dig horticulture project in Murton which uses the biochar and wood chippings. Creating the roots for an alternative economy based on locally grown food and materials for local people. Carbon Negative Food Growing


Building a Climate Conservation Corps in organised Skills Camps


Using the infrastructure of the portable skills school and working with Community Councils, County Councils, local conservation organisations and community groups we aim to organise practical conservation camps on public land. Our priority will be reinstating and planting Hazel Coppice whose branches (called tailings) can be turned into woodchip which will be used as growing medium for the no dig food growing system. The Climate Conservation Corps is an opportunity for young people to carry out emergency conservation work as volunteers, learning new practical skills and teamwork.


This is inspired by the original Civilian Conservation Corps, one of the most popular and successful New Deal projects and still referred to as a period of new environmentalism in the US. From 1933-42 3 million enrolees signed up to living in rural camps and carrying out emergency conservation work. More Info


Working on Community sites as Volunteers


In February 2018 we began working with Bishopston Community Council. We delivered hedgelaying workshops which used local hazel in the council’s woodland for the stakes and etherings. We also identified Mansel Green as a prime site to rejuvenate as a coppice and parkland to provide materials for the local community. We began in February 2019 by planting hundreds of trees and controlling bracken and bramble.


We are interested in working with any Community Council who are interested in managing their public spaces using local resources, volunteer skilled labour from the community and using minimum fossil fuels.




Willow Craft Community Project


Join the Swansea and Gower Willow Craft Group. Are you interested in learning basketry skills and annually cutting a basketry willow bed.

The Willow craft funded project was completed in 2020. however a group has formed called the Swansea and Gower Willow Craft group. It meets monthly so please get in touch via the Facebook Page

We meet on the 3rd Saturday of the month, usually at the Beaufort Arms at 12pm. We also organise day long skills workshops to improve beginners skills. email for more details

The group maintains and cuts the willow bed every year and uses the material to learn the craft and to pass on the skills to new members. The aim is to create opportunities for people to talk, make friends and organise other events in the community that promote the craft and sustainability.

The plantation is located in Bishopston a village which has a willow growing heritage, basket makers would have made baskets for the cockle pickers, local market gardens and domestic home use.



Personal Development Training

We are developing workshops to improve community members self esteem, assertiveness and dealing with gender issues and stereo types. Healthy communication and cooperation are essential in any community project being effective in the long term. This quote summarises the importance of personal development training in any community project.

How can an individual or an organisation be truly effective if some part of its available energy is used up in either anger or repressive behaviour? How much time is wasted on community schemes that are launched with good intentions, but whither because no one wanted to say they didn’t agree with the purpose or process?” – Deborah Smith

Assertiveness Workshops

What is an assertive response? Will it make a positive difference to my life. What are the personal tools and understandings needed to change the way I express my opinions or feelings? These are all valid questions that can be answered in an assertiveness workshop. The purpose is to improve a person’s happiness and well being through unlocking their emotions and encourage honest communication.

Learning Out of Context (LOOC) Workshops

What are the gender stereotypes? What dictates the stereotypes? Why are they a problem? How do they influence the way we act? The purpose of this workshop is to use role play to explore our culturally expected gender behaviour and look at how this limits our ability to work together with both male and females in an equal way. Taking particular attention to societal problems we are facing such as Climate Change.